IFComp 2012: Guilded Youth, by Jim Munroe

Twenty-seven games. Twelve days. Getting the lead out! We’re blitzing through the judging for the Eighteenth Annual Interactive Fiction Competition. As always, if you’re a judge, don’t read on unless you have already played and reviewed the game yourself, and if your averse to spoilers, you won’t want to read this even if you aren’t judging.

IFComp 2012: Lunar Base 1, by Michael Phipps

Twenty-eight games. Fifteen days. I can do this. We’re blitzing through the judging for the Eighteenth Annual Interactive Fiction Competition. As always, if you’re a judge, don’t read on unless you have already played and reviewed the game yourself, and if your averse to spoilers, you won’t want to read this even if you aren’t judging.

Wibble Wednesday: The Hand of the Almighty (Leviticus 9:1–11:47)

So, three weeks ago, I told you that next week would be exciting. Oh, well, so I skipped a few. I bet you thought I’d lapsed completely, right? Nope, I just got a bit distracted. Well, next up is פָּרָשַׁת שמיני (“Eighth” portion). The subtitle of this week’s commentary would’ve been more appropriate way back in פָּרָשַׁת וירא, but, hey, better late than never. For some context, here’s the song of the same name by John R. Butler (NSFW).

The quick snarky summary: Did we mention last week that God took this sacrificial ritual really really seriously? No, we meant it. Screw it up, and God will smite you stone dead where you stand. And he’ll tell your family not to mourn you. So, really, do it right. Also, bottling up your mourning is totally stressful and will make you snap at people.

If you dare to disobey his stern command